Farmacias del Ahorro hosts Xoloitzcuintles

TIJUANA –The Club Tijuana Xoloitzcuintles de Caliente official mascot the “XoloMayor” shared some hugs and smiles during a player autograph session Wednesday. The event was organized by team sponsor Farmacias del Ahorro where team captain Javeir Gandolfi, Juan Carlos Nuñez, Oliver Ortiz and Amando Moreno were present.

Fans lined up for the autograph session early on. They brought many items for the players to sign, hats, shirts, notebooks and every possible Club Tijuana item you can find. They took pictures and shared them on Facebook and Twitter.

Fans also got the chance to joke with the players hoping to motivate them for Friday’s match against Queretaro at Estadio Caliente.

Farmacias del Ahorro Marketing Manager Jazmin Garcia said it is very important for the Xoloitzcuintles to be part of the partnership to promote healthy living.